Premium Booster 3.8 All the ideas and discussions
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To make a backup of your registry - (In any version of Windows) Start - Run - regedit - select files - export - then name your registry backup (I use the date) - then close regedit & you are done - it takes 30 seconds to do. Now, I found NO way of registering this product and when contacting their services - we are just downloading an eval copy which will expire in 31 days - I am removing the program NOW, and suggest the same for anyone else - come on you guys at GAOTD - I can't waste my valuable time and downloading bandwidth for something I wouldn't download off of another hundred download sites I have in my favorites. We deserve NOT to be LIED to (that might be a strong word) but you are "promising" FULL programs, register-able, and NO TIME limits (you say no upgrades - I agree) but evals just screw-up my registry & clog my hard drives - Please only put programs you PROMISED to deliver. I hope you are fair as well - and do post this!

Thomas Roberts , 22.09.2011, 16:44
Idea status: under consideration


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